Friday, February 6, 2009

February already!!

Wow, my resolution to be better at blogging is already out the window. Life is busy and good. We are happy that robotics club is done for Gabe, it makes life one iota less crazy for the rest of the school year! His team did awesome at the Statewide competition. They took 6th place out of 42 teams! We are so proud of him! He also just won the 5th grade spelling bee, so he will advance to the 5th-8th grade round! Way to go, Gabe!!

Bethany is still playing her violin, and loves it. She has her first big recital on March 1st, so we are all looking forward to that. She is moving quickly, and we are so excited for the years to come!

Michaela is now 6, having just celebrated last week. We had a great party with several of her friends from school. They played, ate cupcakes, and opened presents. Michaela was especially excited to receive $90!!!! from relatives to put into her piggy bank to save for spending money when we go to Disneyland later this year (we're hoping for August...).

So that's been our latest in a nutshell. I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to put more pics up, since that's what you want anyway!!

1 comment:

Kylie and crew. said...

Can't wait for the pictures even though I see them all time it's still fun!