Monday, May 30, 2011

Looking ahead, looking behind

Well, here we are, it is the end of May, and today is Memorial Day.  It's a day to remember those who have served our country, as well as a long weekend for me and the kids and time to enjoy our family.  Last week, we enjoyed end of year music concerts and recitals.  Looking ahead, we have only eight days left of school!  Then, it is summer!  Today felt like a bit of what I hope to look forward to this summer; some relaxation, some projects, some gettin' things done.  I worked out, did laundry, and watched a movie.

We had our friends the Easterbrooks with us for most of the weekend as well.  We went to a birthday party, where the kids all got to ride horses.  We enjoyed pizza and apple crisp.  We had to drive the neighborhood searching for 2 children, who, thankfully, were found quickly.  Ah, the joys of parenthood.

Looking ahead, it's hard to believe that in a year (or a little more), we will be moving our family to Spokane, WA.  Most of you already have heard this news, but if it's news to you, you can find out more about it over on Jon's blog.  Our plan is to move to Spokane sometime during the Summer of 2012 to start a church.  It's a big undertaking, but we are excited and confident that God has called us to this move.  I've already begun the mental planning stage.

Looking behind, it's also hard to believe that I'm finishing my 4th year working at Target Range.  It's truly been a rewarding, challenging and fulfilling experience.  I am daily challenged and amazed by the kids I work with.  I'm looking forward to one more year, and the new challenges that it will bring with it.  But first....SUMMER!

We have a lot planned for this summer, and I know it's going to just fly by.  Irish Dance camp, 4th of July, a trip to England, Celebration Northwest in Oregon, Silverwood with the kids, Scout camp, fair week, the Farmer's market, hiking the M, Lake Como and lots more...and it all begins after just 8 more days of school.

Goodnight all!

1 comment:

arlina said...

This is simple and sweet. I will surely miss the fam come next year but will obviously be by for a visit or two ;) Love you Meeks! Happy almost Summer!