Wednesday, December 11, 2013

So I ran a half marathon yesterday... {10/13/13}

** Disclaimer:  This post was actually started on October 14th.  My life has been crazy busy for two months and I'm just now getting around to posting.  

For those of you who know the hubs and I in real life, the fact that we've been training for a half marathon is no big shocker.  We've been talking about it like crazy for several weeks.  Weeks of bemoaning long runs, whining about soreness, worrying over what to do when sickness hit and long runs didn't happen...  Yep, you were with us every step of the way.  I'm sure you're glad that you don't have to listen to much more of it anymore!

Yesterday, we completed our first half marathon!  It was so exciting to be there!  The Spokane half isn't a big race, but it is beautiful.  The course takes you through some of the historic areas of Spokane, then out into the wilderness of Riverside State Park and the Centennial Trail.  It's a hilly course, but that didn't stop us!  The hubs flew through his race, finishing in place 102 and number 7 in his age bracket!  I was super impressed, especially because he mostly trained with me, and I run SLOW!  (My motto:  Slow is the new fast.)

***December 11, 2013:  Wow, I'm finally coming back to this post.  In the weeks that have followed our half marathon, life has sped up remarkably.  The first two-three weeks afterward, my IT band was very, very grumpy with me.  So much so that I have not actually completed a run since the Half (as it has come to be known), and I am still slightly scared to try.  IT band issues are not, not, not, NOT fun.  I have been resting it and attempting to strengthen it.  Some days (ok, most days) I've been lucky to even have time to get a workout in.  It's a season of life, and it's a busy one.

Anyway, back to the Half.  It was a great experience, and besides the IT pain afterward, I would totally train for another one.  Do I now feel motivated to do a full?  Absotively, posolutely NOT!  I will stick to 13.1 or less.  Do I love running yet?  Some days.  Other days are still tough.  But do I still consider myself a runner, even after two months of resting?  Absolutely.

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