Saturday, December 26, 2015

{Catching up}

Merry Christmas from the #mightymeeks!!
It's that time of year again when I take a look back over the year and recap for all my friends what has gone on in our lives this year.  Many who read this will have seen many, many Facebook updates or Instagram shots, but I like to have a way to recap the year in one place.  Although I've neglected this blog all year long, this seems like the logical place for my year end letter.

Gabe, (age 17 and a SENIOR!) has had an eventful year.  He turned 17 in February, ran track in the summer, ran like crazy all summer for summer training, attended cross country and youth camps, got his driver's license, ran cross country this fall and has kept his amazing 4.0 GPA while taking Honors and AP classes, and beginning to apply to colleges this Fall.  So far, he has been accepted to Whitworth and the University of Montana, but no decisions have been made yet.  He had a great XC season, helping his team win their 10th straight State title and a number 3 place at NXN Northwest.  We are so proud of him and all his accomplishments.  I can't believe he will be graduating in a few short months.

Bethany, (age 15 and a sophomore) has been busy this year, as well.  She is doing well in school, and her running keeps her busy.  She ran Varisty track as a freshman for most of the Spring, attended cross country and youth camps, turned 15 in July, and ran as the number 3 Varsity XC team member until her recurring hip injury pulled her out of racing for a few weeks mid-season.  Rehab and PT got her back in shape for the last couple of meets of the season, and she was back to number 3 by the Regionals qualifier race.  Unfortunately, the girls team did not make it to State, but she had a great time cheering on the boys with the rest of the girls and guys teams.

Michaela, (age 12 and a 7th grader) is involved in a new school program this year.  She is taking part in a pilot 7th grade program housed at North Central (Gabe and Bethany's high school), called the Institute of Science and Technology (IST).  She absolutely loves it.  She is taking microbiology as a 7th grader!  It's been very fun seeing the things she is learning and it's also great having all 3 kids at one school!!  Micci turned 12 in January, ran Bloomsday in May, "graduated" from elementary school, earning several awards for community service and being an all around awesome kid,
attended youth camp and spent some time in Montana with family while the rest of us were at cross country camp.  She also ran cross this fall, and of course, is still dancing.  She had her winter recital a couple of days ago, and I am so impressed with the progress she has made since last year.

Jon (not 40 yet), finished out the school year with Guitar Club and was able to pull back from it this fall when our church was able to start paying him more.  He still teaches a few private lessons here and there, and teaches at a homeschool co-op one day a week.  This has been a big blessing for him, as he now has more time to spend with our church family and training younger leaders (which he loves).  It also enables him to spend time at cross country and track meets for our kiddos, and to continue mentoring the different running groups he has been part of.

As for me (also not yet 40... nice try, Matt), it's definitely been busy.  Spring felt like a whirlwind of OULA classes, submitting my first National Boards component, concerts, track meets and all around craziness.  Summer was more relaxed, but it felt very short for some reason this year, and with Montana trips, youth camps, birthdays, anniversaries, training for a half marathon... Well, it was very fun, that's for sure.  This fall has been great; trying to savor every moment of Gabe's senior year, and not be a puddle of tears the whole time... It's been busy enough and joy-filled enough that, so far, I haven't had any ugly crying episodes. 

We are enjoying our winter break, we had some relaxation before our quiet Christmas at home, and are looking forward to the fun of family filled days when we make the trek to Montana. Then, we jump into Spring and concerts and track and yes, a graduation!! (Family, mark your calendars! June 11!!)  It's always quite the ride for us here at the Meek household, but it's always marked by joy and memories, so I don't complain!  We are looking forward to 2016, and hope this finds you and yours well.  Please drop a line or visit, or keep up with our journeys however you can...  I'll leave you with a few picture highlights from our year!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

The Meeks

Gabe and his best friend, Mica, at Nike Cross Nationals, their last XC race together

The kids enjoyed showing Mica around Missoula this summer.

First day of school 2015

My beautiful girls... One of the last shots where Beth is still taller than Micci.

Turkey Trot 2015

Nike Cross Nationals

Winter Glow at Riverfront Park

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