We're just one week from New Year's Day, so most of us are still probably rocking and rolling on our goals, but checking in here and there is good to keep me motivated.
Here are the big 3 goals (condensed version) that I've set for myself this year:
- to listen to my body, intentionally.
- to intentionally give myself structured down time.
- to challenge myself to share more of "me" with those around me.
I'm focusing a lot on making sure to listen to what my body wants, nutritionally, and in regards to activity and rest. I've cut back on my evening munching quite a bit, choosing instead to find something to drink before heading straight for the chips and salsa. I've found this week that much of the time when I feel like I'm getting hunger signals from my body, that they are actually thirst signals. I just haven't learned to recognize them as that. So I'm choosing to try getting something to drink first, and then to wait before I head for the munchie cupboard. So far, I feel like I am making better choices, which will eventually lead me into better health. I also focused this week on really listening to when my body is saying it is full, and not just continuing to eat because my mouth wants more. This part is REALLY difficult for me. It is really easy for me to overeat when things taste good, because I just want MORE! Taking my time when I am eating and stopping when I'm full (not overfull) has been a good challenge for me this week. Teaching my body not to feel deprived or disappointed when I don't have just one more helping will definitely be a process.
Giving myself some structured downtime has also been going well. My plan is this: when I get home from work, I take about 15 minutes to have some downtime. This can be resting, checking social media, chatting with family members if they are already home. Depending on how my day at work was, my daily workout sometimes falls into "me time" and sometimes I have to make sure I get it in after I've had some other form of rest, before I move into the tasks or plans for the rest of the evening. These can be household tasks, Oula or church things that need to be taken care of, or even leftover stuff from work that needs to be done. The key for me is that I've scheduled in more downtime at the end of the evening. From 9:00 on, I've given myself freedom to stop working on "scheduled things" and move into something of my choice (usually reading a book). So far this week, I've been able to remind myself of that scheduled "unscheduled" time, and have been able to move ahead with things I need to focus on, instead of retreating into a book at the first moment I get home.
Extending myself to others has already been a challenge this week. Heading back to work after winter break is always a little challenging, because I go from having a ton of free time, to almost none, especially not at times when other people tend to be available (9:00 gets a little late to hang out, haha). So I feel that lack of contact with others. And if you read my last blog post, then you already know that I'm still struggling with a lack of confidence that people actually want to hear what I have to say. I'm working on it. I knew going into this that this goal would be the most challenging one for me. I wasn't even sure I wanted to put it out there, but sometimes just saying it makes the difference between thinking and doing.
So how am I going to focus this week in each goal area? Here are some thoughts:
Eating/Wellness: Continue with daily workouts, and do one thing each day that physically affects Oula (work on a new song, practice old songs, do flexibility training, etc.). Continue to listen to my body, and focus this week on staying hydrated instead of reacting to dehydration.
"Me" time: This week I'm going to try to limit my social media "browsing". When you write a blog (and are trying to be more intentional about actually writing a blog), and promote small businesses through social media, this can be a time sucker and a pitfall. Which is why my focus this week will be to limit my browsing time.
Sharing: One area I've been working on is how to reach out to young moms/wives with meal planning. So, one focus this week will be to begin putting some feet to some brainstorms I've had about how to go about doing this.
How about you? How are your goals and resolutions going? What are you focusing on this week to achieve your goals?
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