Saturday, January 5, 2008

It's been a pretty quiet week around here. We've got Jon and I recovering from crud, but otherwise we are all doing pretty well. Spent Saturday getting laundry caught up, and trying to finish some other projects. I have a bunch of yarn that I am trying to use up. I'm not really much into knitting or crocheting, but I inherited some yarn from my grandma when she passed away, and I am trying to get it used up. I've been making dishrags and coaster sets for the girls' hope chests that they got for Christmas (thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Hogan!). I'm hoping to get this yarn done with by the end of January, so that I can use the time and the storage space for other things! (like scrapbook stuff!) The kids had a playdate with one of their friends today, so that kept them occupied while Jon and I vegged. He read, I crocheted. It was a really laid back kind of day, which is really nice when our weeks get so crazy. Church tomorrow and then Monday we are back in full swing with school, Scouts, Awana, worship team and home group! It's a busy life, but we love it, and we love our vegging days too! (looking forward to Saturday already!)

1 comment:

Prairie Chick said...

Oh, gosh, I didn't know you had one of these! Your kids are so darned cute!