Thursday, March 5, 2009

A little about me...courtesy of Kylie!

I saw this on Kylie's blog and thought it looked fun.
What were you doing 10 years ago? 1999, I had just celebrated Gabe's 1st birthday, and I was back in school on a more full time basis. Looking forward to getting done with school.

Favorite Snacks? Mmmm.... Snacks are my favorite. Usually I like something salty to snack on, though, like potato chips. I especially love sea salt and vinegar potato chips, even though they make the skin on the insides of my cheeks peel. I'm a glutton for punishment.
To Do List? Constantly. My lists are how I keep things from falling out of my head.
Jobs I Have Had? Busser, hostess, waitstaff; I worked a Christmas stint at Victoria's Secret and also worked for Baskin Robbins (best two sets of "perks" I've ever had in a job). I worked for my mom (okay, so this one really had the best perks, since she bought me lunch almost every day). I've worked for an eye doctor, in a craft store and out of my home.
Current job: Trying to balance full-time mama and wife with substitute teaching. I know subbing doesn't seem like the greatest job in the world, but I really enjoy it. I get to work with kids of all ages, plan my schedule around what works for me, and have the same days out of school that my kids do. What could be better? (for now....)
Places I Have Lived? Montana. I love to travel, but Montana is always home.
Bad Habits? Pop my knuckles, don't pick up my laundry, organize by piles, my list could go on and on. I'm also a horrible procrastinator.
5 Random Things People May Not Know?
1. I write (sometimes) children's fiction and want to publish a book someday.
2. When I was in high school, I wanted to go to Nashville and become a famous Country music singer. I can twang it with the best of them!
3. I had an early miscarriage between Gabe and Bethany, but we didn't even know I was preggo until I was miscarrying, and the doctor told me to take a pregnancy test. We got pregnant with Beth shortly after the miscarriage, so our family would be much different looking if that pregnancy had gone to term. (I have a gut feeling it was a boy, but we won't know until we get to Heaven).
4. I love 80's music. Especially the bands with large hair. (I'm pretty sure I posted that before, but it's kind of important). :)
5. I have fed my children ice cream as a meal.
CDs I would want if stranded on an island: Who needs cd's? Just give me my laptop and Then I can listen to anything I want!
What I'd Do if I Were a Billionaire: Pay off our house, provide for my children's education, pay for my school, travel, and give, give, give.
If you read all that, it's your turn!!

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