Thursday, December 9, 2010

busy, busy bees

We've been super busy around here for the past few weeks.  We had a great Thanksgiving, including an early break because of our SNOW DAY!!!  My classes are wrapping up, so there's been a bunch of homework to do, the girls had their Irish Dance performance, which was wonderful!  And yesterday was Michaela's Christmas program at school, Bethany is performing with some other violinists on Sunday after church, and our great friend Lee has been here from Mexico.  Wow!  No wonder I have piles of laundry and Michaela has been wearing the same pair of pants for 4 days!  Well, unfortunately, Gabe caught a cold, so we two are staying home today and I'm hoping to make some headway on that laundry and finish up some assignments.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I still have Christmas shopping to do!  EEEEEK!

So, after my brief post, I'm off to be productive...  I'll be back in a week or so when downshift from "the amazingly busy, crazy, and insane life of Jon, Becca and their kids" to just "the amazingly busy life of Jon, Becca and their kids."  Ha ha!

PS- I did find something that's making my life a little easier.  I normally spend a lot of time planning our meals for the week, but now I've discovered e-mealz.  It's awesome!  For $1.25/week, they give you 7 meals (already planned) and the grocery list to go with it!  You can pick the store, too.  So far, we are loving it.

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