Wednesday, November 24, 2010

{ snow day!!! }

Wow!  I don't remember the last time I got a snow day from school.  It was probably third grade or something like that, and I'm not saying how many years ago that was.  Well, due to a Winter storm warning, a Blizzard warning, sub zero temperatures, and blowing snow, we got a SNOW DAY here in Missoula on Tuesday.  The kiddos' school opted to have a regular day, but I overruled and gave them a snow day anyway!  We stayed home and stayed warm, watching movies, doing crafts, hanging out (basically anything we could to avoid going outside!!).  Michaela did go outside for awhile, she was working on a snow fort.  Here are a few pics:
 Look at those pink cheeks!!

 Lots of snow!

 This is how much we got overnight.

 Just cuz she's cute and stood still for a picture.

My snow monster!

It was a fun day, even if it wasn't very productive, and we got to start our Thanksgiving vacation a day early.  Just one of many blessings to be thankful for this year!
Have a blessed holiday!
Mrs. Meek

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