Sunday, January 2, 2011

And more...

 We take this picture every year.  Our kids and the Coty kids.
We started out with stair steps, but they seem to be evening out...
Birth order: Colton (14), Gabe (12), Cayla (11), Bethany (10), Cortnie (9), Michaela (7)
Beth is now taller than Cayla, and Mick is definitely catching up to Cort.
 Our three on Christmas Eve at "the Christmas House."  We saw so many friends there after church!
 Christmas morning, opening her stocking...
 Gabe, Christmas morning
 Bethany's new Griz socks!
 Mick got new boots!
 Hmmm...What's in here?
 Cool!  My very own camera!
And Gabe got one too!

Unfortunately, I ran out of batteries when I went to take pictures later when my family was here.  I'll have to get some from my mom, and hopefully will post them later!
Happy New Year!


Kylie and crew. said...

Looks like your kids had a fun morning!! I hope they slept in a little!!! :)

Yakos Corral said...

I love your tradition of taking your kids/coty's kids pictures every year. What a fun tradition!