Monday, March 7, 2016

{Menu Monday}

Track season has begun, Spring is just around the corner, and March is a fun time at the Meek household.  This week, we have St. Patrick's day performances and track practices, Oula classes, and Daylight Savings.  It should be a good week, except for losing that one hour...

Here's the plan for the week:

Monday:  Jon cooks  :)

Tuesday:  Chicken on the grill with Pesto Penne (with sauteed portobello, sun dried tomatoes, and goat cheese), roasted sweet potatoes

Wednesday:  Spaghetti, caesar salad, garlic bread

Thursday:  Italian Wedding Soup (Jon's mom's recipe)

Friday:  "Tammy's Chicken," (chicken with a spicy paprika rub and mustard/tarragon sauce), roasted potatoes, pear gorgonzola salad

Saturday:  Leftover Day! (Set those clocks ahead before you go to bed!!)

Sunday:  Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, Cheesy veggies

Next week will be busier.  It's times like this when I am thankful that I took the time to make my plan earlier, because then it's done!  There are lots of ways to meal plan, and my approach works for me.  I've tried shopping and planning based on weekly sales, I've tried a basic monthly/weekly plan, I've tried theme nights (Meatless Monday, Chicken Wednesday, etc.), but this more low key approach is what works for me.  What have you tried with menu planning that has worked for you?  What have you tried that hasn't worked?  Meal planning is all about adaptation and finding a system that works for you!!

Have a great week!!

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