Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to School

A new school year has started. I (Becca) started class yesterday, starting work towards my library media endorsement. I'm very excited about this program, as well as the possibilities for the future that it holds. I love books, so it's a great fit!
Gabe and the girls start tomorrow. Gabe will be in 5th, which is absolutely amazing to me. 5th grade was the year I started band, which eventually led to the teaching journey I am currently on, as well as a major part of what defines who I am. It is crazy to me that Gabe is old enough to be at that same beginning place. Whether or not the love of music takes ahold of him the way it did Jon and I remains to be seen.
Bethany will be beginning 3rd grade. I am a little apprehensive about this, as I remember 3rd grade as being the year when the girls really begin to show that whole "2 years more mature than the boys" thing. Fashion, boys and being "in" become more of a big deal in 3rd grade. Maybe the fact that I attended a much smaller school than Beth's is part of why my 3rd grade experience wasn't such a great one, but then again, my 3rd grade experience just simply wasn't all that great. I do pray that she remains my sweet girl, and that perhaps she will remain unaffected by the rumblings of growing up all around her.
Michaela starts kindergarten tomorrow. This, I think, is the hardest part of school this year. I know, things will be crazy with me taking classes and working, and juggling the car, and making lunches and doing Scouts and Awana and worship team (wow, when you write it out, it looks like a LOT!), but the fact that my baby is going to school, that just tugs at this mama's heart. I know that she will be fine, and she will make lots of new friends and it will all be good, yet something inside of me aches as she goes off to school tomorrow. Perhaps it is the fact that tonight, I put her to bed for the last time as a preschooler, she is sleeping her last night as a preschooler. I love celebrating her firsts, as I do all my children, and I know that there are very, very many more to come, along with much joy. But tonight, I'm reflecting that as we move forward, there are also lasts that begin to come our way. We very likely will not have another child with this same kindergarten teacher, who we love. We very likely will not have another first day of kindergarten. And while it is always inevitable, it is still cause for reflection, and sometimes even a small sense of loss.
So, with that reflection, I'll say goodnight, and hopefully post something more uplifting and joyful (such as 1st day pics!) tomorrow!

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