Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Today, I am 36.  I love birthdays.  I don't mind getting older, because I look at the number as proof that I am still here on this Earth, that God has chosen to bless me with another year of life to bring glory to Him. 

Having a birthday on a Wednesday is not so much fun, though.  First, it is right in the middle of the work week.  Second, it means that it has to be a somewhat routine evening, because there are kids to get to school the next morning and work to go to...  We did have a nice evening out at PF Changs tonight, which I love!!  I had the sesame chicken and tried the salted caramel cheesecake for my birthday dessert.  So yummy!

My husband and my cousin like to give me a bad time now that our numbers are getting larger in the years department...They are 10 days and 3 months younger than me, respectively.  But I just laugh because I am still older than they are, and I always will be!  It makes me want to stick my tongue out at them and say, "Neener, neener, neener!  I'm older than you are..."  (Which is probably why my cousin has always hated that I am 3 months older than her....I may have said that once or twice as a child.)

So anyway, this post is a bit random, but it's nice to have a birthday.  Next up is Jon, then Micci, then Gabe and then a little while until summer for Bethany.  It's good to be celebrated!!

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