Friday, April 5, 2013


Wow, as usual, the time gets away from me and here we are almost 3 months later and I'm finally updating my blog again.  I have big dreams of blogging my life and doing creative projects everyday or at least once a week, but the reality is that I'm a mom of three kids, pastor's wife to a church planter, and almost full time music teacher.  Right now, that dream of "full-time" blogging (or even "more often" blogging) is something I've had to set aside in favor of reality and enjoying the life I'm currently living.

So, I'm sure you are curious what's been happening in the land of Meek...  Well, if you are a facebook friend, or a twitter follower, or an Instagram follower, you'll know that there is never much down time around here.  Jon and I have been busily training for our first Bloomsday run, which is coming up in just a few short weeks.  The kids and I are on Spring Break right now, which has been relaxing and fun.  We spent the first part of the week back in Missoula for some much needed family time and to celebrate Gabe's Eagle Court of Honor.  It was such a good time to celebrate his amazing accomplishments and to see friends and family.  It was also a great time of eating at many fine Missoula establishments that we love and miss now that we are in Spokane.

The past 3ish months have been busy for sure.  Since my last post, Jon has joined me at the ripe old age of 36, Micci hit the double digits (10!!), and Gabe is now halfway to 30 (insert evil laugh).  Our small but growing church has moved out of my living room to a coffeshopish location right in the heart of downtown Spokane.  This means a little more work (I can't go to church in my pajamas anymore, not that I ever really did...) but overall, it has been really good. 

Gabe has started track season, Micci had several Irish dance performances in March, and Bethany has been working a ton on the yearbook committee.  She will also start track when we return from break.  I'm gearing up for my first ever Spring Music Program, and we are in process of trying to buy a house.  We have an accepted offer and now we are playing the waiting game until we close the deal.  We will have some work to do to make it how we really want it, but that's ok with us!  I'm super excited about it... 

In short, there's been a lot going on, and there's never a dull moment!  Life is short, so we try to enjoy every moment that we can, and I don't feel TOO guilty if I forget to blog it, because I figure it's more important to live it than to blog it. 

More soon...(ish)

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