Friday, November 4, 2016

{Meal planning fail}

It's November 4th, and I don't have my menu plan done yet for the month.  I feel like I'm flying blind.  So those of you who tell me that I inspire you... Well, I don't always have it all together.  Hopefully that will inspire someone.  We all fail at times, which is actually pretty encouraging, if you stop to think about it.

You've heard of writer's block?  I feel like I have menu planners block.  My last two months were great, and we mostly stayed on track, but leading into November, I am just at a loss.  I've added in a few things here and there, but mostly the month is blank.  Sometimes, even when we are good at something, we still have moments where we fail.

Here's what I do when my own brain capacity begins to fail me.  I reach out and ask for help.  I text my family and ask them to send me menu ideas.  Usually I hesitate to do this, because the responses I usually get are all the comfort foods they love... Which makes for quite the fattening month!  With the holidays coming up, I try to make an effort to eat mostly healthy during the "normal" days, but then my family sends back things like this:

They're so helpful.

My main goal for the weekend?  Finish planning the month.  Otherwise, Red Robin and Papa Murphy's are going to take all my money.  I'll be spending some time on Pinterest, reviewing what we've had recently (last 2 months), and filling in the gaps.  And, planning our Thanksgiving holiday, which will be no small feat.

Wish me luck!!


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