Thursday, October 6, 2011


My fingers are itching to create...  So I'm glad that I have some time this weekend to spend some creative energy!  I'm not sure what exactly I'll be working on, but there will be some creative fruit from this weekend.  There will also be some homework and housework that gets finished up as well.  I am looking ahead to next summer already, when I will be finishing up my Master's coursework, and moving forward into the next season of life, which will include a move to Spokane!  It's scary and exciting!  We are probably going to pick apples this weekend as well, so my kitchen will turn into an apple processing plant over the next few weeks.  Apple pie, applesauce, dried apples, apples to freeze for later...  So much fun, and such wonderful days to make memories with my kids!  Here's hoping for time over the next few days to let the creative juices flow!

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