Friday, October 14, 2011

A little road trip

So, I'm spending this weekend at the WLMA (Washington Library Media Association) Conference in Spokane.  After day one, I feel good about how I do my job, and what I'm focusing on teaching my students.  I know that there is room for improvement, and I've gotten some good ideas about how to move forward.  So that's been encouraging!

Yesterday, the kids and I drove from Missoula to Spokane, which is the first time I've driven that stretch on my own.  It was a good time, and the kids enjoyed Swiss Rolls and other sundry snacks on the drive.  Panda Express for lunch and dinner with friends....  Yes, we live the good life!

For those of you who may be wondering, the creative itchiness that I was experiencing last weekend, did result in creativity happening.  I took a page from my friend Jami's notebook, and created a fabric leaf garland to go on my mantle.  It was fun, it looks great, and it satisfied that little itch....

This week promises to be busy once again.  Thursday and Friday are MEA days, and since I'm here at the WLMA conference, I won't be needing to get PIR hours, which means NO SCHOOL and a 4-day weekend!!  My dad says the apples are ready, so the plan is to cook, cook, cook and cook some more!  I can't wait for the smell of apples to permeate my house again! I'll try to keep you posted in the meantime!

'Til next time,

Mrs. Meek

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