Saturday, October 15, 2011


I've been attending a library conference the last couple of days, and it was very, very good.  I realized that I am still learning about a lot of things, but also in many ways, I've been doing a pretty good job of what I'm supposed to be teaching as a 21st Century Teacher-Librarian.  And that's exciting, and confidence building.  Its kind of like when someone tells me that my kids are such good kids (which of course, I know, but I am biased) and I feel gratified that maybe in all my blundering through this thing called parenting, that perhaps I am doing something right after all.

Jon and I took a drive up to Greenbluff today after the conference finished up, and then went to a Junior Tackle football game.  Me, being the crazy football fan that I am, realized halfway through yelling, "TAKE HIM DOWN!!!" that perhaps that wasn't appropriate for Junior Tackle.  We're supposed to be positive at this level, right?  Oops.  Just keepin' it real here, folks.

Some of my close friends know that I've been struggling with not having enough time to deal with some of the thoughts I've been rolling around in my head.  Some of these thoughts are my own struggle of knowing whether or not I have something to offer with this little blog, or if it should just be a more family oriented update of what we've been up to.  But lately, I've been thinking that maybe I really do have something to offer this blogosphere out there.  I'm not always the most crafty, or the best photographer, or the most organized, or the best cook, or the best parent, or the most faith-filled woman out there.  But I do have real experiences, real friends and real thoughts and dreams.  So I'm going to try to keep it real, and post about those experiences and reactions and fun and hard times a little more often. And perhaps that is all I need to share.  Perhaps a little bit of my own experiences will help someone else.  And maybe I'll never be famous, and maybe I'll never write an amazing story that touches the hearts of the world.  But if the story I write and the story I live only touches the hearts of my children, my husband, and even my own heart, then perhaps, just perhaps, that is enough.

Stay tuned.

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