Thursday, November 18, 2010

{ blogging }

I really, really enjoy reading other people's blogs. I enjoy writing my own, but I really enjoy reading others. Some people read their morning paper; I check my RSS feed and my blogroll. When my friends don't post as often as I would like, I find myself getting irritated, even though I am not the most frequent blogger. Blogs give me a way to keep up with what's happening with people, get new ideas for crafting, and get new recipes for my ever growing collection. Plus, I love reading, and the blogosphere is like one giant book, only it is real people's lives. How cool!
So, I'm looking for a few good blogs to read. If you comment, let me know your top 3 favorite blogs to read, besides mine, of course!

Mrs. Meek

1 comment:

Kylie and crew. said...

haha! Read my post from today!! Our blogs have aligned. :)