Sunday, November 7, 2010

Celebration Northwest

Jen and I
All of us!
(Jon, me, Jen, Donald,
Bethany, Gabe, Jonathan, Hannah, Elizabeth and Michaela)

In August, we traveled to Oregon. Our family of churches, NewFrontiers, holds regional family camps, and this year Celebration Northwest was held in Silverton, Oregon. We traveled with our friends, the Easterbrooks! This family is awesome, and although we have only known them for a little more than a year, it seems like we've been close friends forever. You'll be seeing them frequently in my posts as I get caught up and probably a lot after that, too! Here is a group shot of our families, as well as one of Jen and me!

1 comment:

Kylie and crew. said...

They look fun!! It's good to see pictures of these people you talk about all the time! :)