Friday, November 19, 2010

{ hint, hint }

I've been thinking about my Christmas list lately, due to some early requests (thanks, Dad!).  It's gotten me thinking that while I like the normal things like gift cards and clothes, there are some things that are a little more unique.  So, I'm posting this in the hopes that my darling hubby *might* take a peek at it (or maybe one of my dearest friends will send this to him, ha ha).  Just a few ideas that would be tops on my list:

A necklace or bracelet from here.

A crafty/scrapbooking getaway with friends

This book.  (The Christmas one, dear)!

That's it.  Somethings that are a little fun, a little unique, and a lot something I'd like. Hint, hint.
What are some things that you would LOVE to get from your special someone this year?

Mrs. Meek

1 comment:

Yakos Corral said...

I would love a good Dutch or French oven for cooking in (not for camping!). They're expensive & I just can't seem to put the money down. But I don't mind if someone else does :)