Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fun with...

Funnel Cakes!

I mean, it's fair time, right?  Ok, for all my Zoo Town friends, the fair just got over, and I know that you think Fair Food is a dirty word right now.  BUT, my family loves funnel cakes.  We were at Silverwood last weekend, and enjoyed splitting one.  Downside to funnel cakes at fairs or amusement parks is the cost, am I right?  Well, Micci got determined to make homemade funnel cakes, so that's what we did this evening after dinner.  We made a mess in the kitchen, but it was fun!

Looks scrum-diddly-upmtious, right?  We found the recipe here...  So feel free to dive in and make your own...  (I used a pastry bag to "funnel" my batter instead of the recommended funnel.)

And, by the way, we made two, and we still have approximately a whole one left.  I know what we're having for breakfast!

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