Sunday, September 9, 2012

{Menu} Week of 9/10/12

Here's the plan for the week, folks:

Monday: Tilapia with Rice
Tuesday:  Roast with mashed potatoes (we were supposed to have this on Sunday, but we ended up going to a birthday party instead  Fried Rice  The fam wasn't super excited about Fried Rice, so we ended up getting Totino's Party Pizzas.  We love party pizzas.
Wednesday: Fried Rice  Roast with mashed potatoes (I wasn't organized enough to get the roast out of the freezer last night.
Thursday: Tacos
Friday: Discipleship group potluck (I think we might do soup this week)
Saturday: Leftovers/Munch day (eat whatever you can find)
Sunday:  Ham with baked potatoes

We are in for a yummy week!

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